Apostolic Mission Continues: The Paks Prepare to Serve in Mexico



The Acts of the Apostles vividly recounts the transformative journey of Christ's followers after His Resurrection. Filled with the Holy Spirit, the Apostles fervently spread the Good News of Jesus's victory over death, fulfilling His command to make disciples of all nations. Their dedication and faith laid the foundation for the global spread of Christianity.

Today, this apostolic mission continues through the work of dedicated missionaries like the Pak Family. Michael and Carlyn Pak, one of OCMC's newest missionary families, are preparing to serve in the Diocese of Mexico in the Orthodox Church in America (OCA). Michael, who will be graduating from St. Tikhon's Seminary this weekend, and his wife Carlyn are answering God's call to dedicate their lives to mission work in Mexico.

Under the guidance of His Eminence Alejo, Archbishop of Mexico City and Mexico, the Pak family will be instrumental in establishing San Basilio Orthodox Seminary in Hidalgo, Mexico, and the Dormition of the Theotokos Orthodox Monastery. Michael will serve as an instructor of Liturgics, training clergy throughout the diocese, while Carlyn, with her extensive background in children's education, will lead catechism and children's ministries. Their work also includes supporting mission parishes, logistical needs of clergy, and spiritual needs of indigenous communities in Veracruz.

To learn more about the Pak family and their inspiring mission, watch their video (above) and click below to visit their missionary page to find out how you can support their work. Please keep the Pak family in your prayers as they embark on this important ministry.


Learn More About the Pak Family



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