Celebrating 15 Years: OCMC Headquarters Dedication Anniversary


Photo for the ribbon cutting for the OCMC headquarters building dedication (May 2009).

This past Tuesday, OCMC was thrilled to celebrate our 15-year-anniversary since the dedication of our missionary training and administration building! May 21, 2009 marked a great day, not only for us at OCMC, but for Orthodoxy around the world.

The roots of OCMC go all the way back to Athens, Greece in the 1950s, and to the influence of two young theologians: Fr. Deacon Anastasios Yannoulatos and Fr. Deacon Demetrios Trakatellis. Deacon Anastasios would soon go on to become Archbishop Anastasios of Albania, and Deacon Demetrios would soon go on to become Archbishop Demetrios of America.

Inspired by the missionary fervor and vision of these brilliant young men, the mission center would begin as a committee of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. As it continued to grow and develop, however, the GOA's mission center soon moved to its own location in St. Augustine, Florida, and Fr. Dimitrios Couchell, would go on to become Metropolitan Dimitrios of Xanthos, was appointed as its first Executive Director. In 1985, the mission center sent its first missionary to Kenya, and over 120 more would continue to be sent with five more preparing to enter the mission field this present day.

By 1994 the GOA graciously handed its mission center over to become the pan-Orthodox mission center, representing the combined missionary efforts of all Orthodox jurisdictions in the US. At this point, it was finally labeled the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC).


Archbishop Anastasios (right) and his long-time friend Archbishop Demetrios (left) reunited for the dedication of the new Missionary Training and Administration Building that bears their names. These two men have played a significant role in the development of modern Orthodox missions.


Fr. Martin Ritsi took over as Executive Director in 1998, and by 2009, OCMC was already involved in thirty countries around the world. OCMC continued growing, and soon it was time to move to a new location. It was at this point that, due to some incredibly generous supporters, OCMC moved to its current location: the Archbishop Anastasios and Archbishop Demetrios Training and Administration Building. This new OCMC headquarters building was dedicated on May 21, 2009. Since then, it has increasingly been the source of countless ministries, striving to carry out Christ’s great commission and spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth.


The OCMC Headquarters in 2009 (left) and 2024 (right), showcasing 15 years of growth and global impact.


We’ve had a wonderfully exciting and fruitful history, and we thank you all for taking this journey with us. With your support, we are enabling countless people around the world to know the Gospel of Christ, and to experience His love. Please continue to keep our work in your prayers, consider offering your time and talents as a missionary or volunteer, and to donate to our ministries. Now we look forward to all the next 15 years will bring!

Click the OCMC Magazine below to learn more about the OCMC Building Dedication and view additional photos from this incredible milestone. 



OCMC Magazine Vol. 25 No. 1 



Many Gifts, One Body, For the Glory of God!




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