Clean Water for Students in Western Kenya

His Grace MARKOS gathered with local clergy and students of the Bishop Makarios Secondary School to bless the site of the new borehole.
Recently His Grace MARKOS, Bishop of Kisumu and Western Kenya, blessed the site for a new borehole that is being constructed with funds from OCMC at the Bishop Makarios Secondary School in Migori, which has almost 800 boarding students. The borehole will also serve the neighboring St. Matthew Kisugunua Orthodox parish and its primary school, with more than 400 day-students. Once the borehole is constructed, the schoolchildren won’t have to make the 3 km walk, carrying 20 liter containers, to get water. Gerontissa Anthousa, a nun in western Kenya who was present at the blessing, observed, “We overheard students announcing to one another with joy that their suffering to walk all this far distance to fetch water has come to an end!/”

Photos of the new borehole being constructed at the Bishop MARKARIOS Secondary School.
The borehole project is one of 10 grants totaling almost $900,000 that OCMC has approved since November for Church-led projects in Korea, Kenya, Uganda, Albania, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. These initiatives further OCMC’s goals of bringing people to Christ, building the Church, and sharing Christ’s love.
“Thanks to the generosity of our donors,” stated OCMC Projects and Grants Manager Santhe Loizos, “we are able to provide more grants now than ever before expanding our support to more countries and increasing our impact!”
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Thank you to our partners of the the Holy Diocese of Kisumu and Western Kenya for capturing the following photos and video of the borehole project.
May Gifts, One Body, For the Glory of God!
Click here to get a glimpse of the construction of the borehole project.