Cultivating Church Leaders: OCMC Supports Theological Education Initiatives


The Saint Athanasius the Athonite Theological School in Kinshasha, DRC, is one of many theological seminaries that are receiving OCMC grants in 2024. 


From the earliest missionary activities by the Apostles, raising up local leaders has been the key to the successful establishment of the Church. Recently, OCMC has distributed almost $200,000 for new projects that support theological education for local people, including a grant to support the operations of a university-accredited seminary in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Metropolitan of Kinshasha THEODOSIUS has stated, “The theological school is the nursery of the future priests, educators, catechists, chanters, and colleagues. It is a great blessing for (the) Congo, that our priests and colleagues receive an education at a university level, like the rest of the clerics of other Christian dogmas.”

OCMC has also given a grant to the Diocese of Bukoba (Tanzania) to complete a theological school in Mwanza that will be the first Orthodox school of higher learning in Tanzania. And a grant has been made to the Resurrection of Christ Theological Academy in Albania to support its fieldwork program, through which students gain hands-on, practical experience providing catechism classes to adults and children. And finally, three Fijian students have received a grant to support their Theological education studies, which is critical for the long-term growth of the Fijian Orthodox community.

Photos of the Theological School in Mwanza, Tanzania that is the Diocese of Bukoba is looking to complete in 2024.  

These new grants are in addition to the continuing monthly support to the Makarios III Seminary in Nairobi, Kenya, and more, we are finalizing a plan to assist the Archdiocese of Cameroon to help construct a new seminary. Explore OCMC's website to learn more about how the Gospel is being spread, people are being united to Christ, and how you can support it.



May Gifts, One Body, For the Glory of God!




