From Discipleship to Apostleship: Continuing Christ’s Mission





The two recent feasts just celebrated–Christ’s Ascension and Pentecost–are not just historical events but lay the necessary foundation for the continuation of Christ’s work even into the present day. Christ’s final words at His Ascension are critical to transforming His disciples, i.e. His followers, into His ambassadors. When He commands: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit…” (Mt 28:19), He is sending them and us out to preach His Good News!

They are no longer just His followers, but they are to go bring others to follow Him. And they can only do this life-changing work with the power of the Holy Spirit which descends upon them on the day of Pentecost. They have moved from discipleship to apostleship! As we celebrate the feast of these greatest Apostles, let us also rededicate ourselves to follow in their footsteps and bring others into the fullness of the Faith and the joy found in Jesus Christ.

Below is a hymn from the feast: 

“After Your rising from the sepulcher, O Savior, and Your divine Ascension to the heights of heaven, You sent down on Your Disciples Your Glory, O Good One, renewing an upright Spirit in them, O Christ. And therefore those men who saw God proclaimed to all Your sayings and Your economy, as if melodious guitars that mystically are played with the pick of the Spirit, O merciful Lord.” 

Hymn from the 3rd Kathisma of the Matins Service of the Feast of the Holy Apostles  

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Many Gifts, One Body, For the Glory of God!

