An Invitation to the New Jerusalem

Great Lent is a journey of revelation, repentance, and new life. This journey, however, doesn’t stop at the foot of the cross or at the empty tomb. It continues to Ascension…to the new Jerusalem…to Christ’s heavenly Kingdom.
“Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and everything that is written of the Son of man by the prophets will be accomplished.” - Luke 18:31
This journey is open to all, and your support of OCMC’s ministries helps to invite countless people around the world to embark on this journey of eternal salvation!
Just months ago, I travelled with His Grace Neofitos Bishop of Eldoret and Northern Kenya to, once again, visit the Turkana people of northern Kenya and, for the first time with His Grace Nektarios, Bishop of Gulu and Northern Uganda, visit the Karamoja people of northeastern Uganda, to further develop our plans to share the message of Christ and to open new communities. Did you know that there are still people in these regions, living in remote villages, who have yet to hear the Gospel preached?
This part of the world is home to people who live in a harsh and challenging environment where the fight for survival is real. They are not places most people can, or will, visit, so who will let these remote villagers know about Christ’s sacrifice for them? Who will share with them the triumph of His Resurrection? Who will journey with these people to Ascension? We pray that with your support, it will be the Orthodox Church through Her Mission Center!
This Lent we are trying to raise $30,000 to reach those who have never heard the Gospel, like those in the unevangelized villages we just visited across Kenya and Uganda. With a gift to the Mission Center during Great Lent, you can help priests, catechists, and missionaries bring them to Christ.

Last November, OCMC sponsored an evangelism team with the Uganda Orthodox Church to reach villages in the Karamoja region of Uganda (OCMC Photos 2023).
With an additional gift during Holy Week or by making your gift recurring, you can help ensure their ongoing pastoral care and theological education as well.
In the coming weeks, please remember Orthodox missions and the people in Kenya and Uganda who will be invited to embark on their journey toward ascension and salvation.
Thank you for making the mission of the Church to make disciples of all nations a priority during Great and Holy Lent and Holy Week. We pray that you and your loved ones are blessed to draw nearer to Christ through the prayer and fasting of the coming season, and we look forward to celebrating the Risen Lord with you during Bright Week.
May Gifts, One Body, For the Glory of God!