OCMC Missionaries dedicate anywhere from 3 months to many years of their lives serving and sharing the Orthodox Faith with people of cultures different than their own. Their service in the mission field is made possible through the steadfast prayers and financial support of the Orthodox Christians that send them to offer this living witness. Our aim is to call people from all walks of life – from laypeople to priests, students to teachers, healthcare professionals to engineers, laborers to lecturers, retirees to those considering a second career – to serve Christ and His Church in the mission field.

If you are called to missions, or want to support those who are, we invite you to visit the pages of our missionaries. Learn more about their work, hold them in your prayers, and help fund their service, so that together we can all live out the commission of Christ to “go to all nations!” Complete the Mission Inquiry below to connect with OCMC staff to discover a vocation in mission.