Remembering His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durrës, and All Albania

It is with deep sorrow that we announce the falling asleep of His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durrës, and All Albania who passed away today, Saturday, January 25, 2025, at the age of 95.
“It was providential to learn of Archbishop Anastasios’ passing while in Africa where his missionary ministry began and being able to do a Trisagion for him moments after his passing. Historically, certain figures rise to have an astounding impact on the world. Archbishop Anastasios is one of those persons. As a church leader, a scholar, and true missionary, he has impacted a revival and deepening of missions throughout the Orthodox Church as well as within Ecumenical circles.” reflected Mission Center Executive Director Fr. Martin Ritsi.
Archbishop Anastasios (Yannoulatos) was born November 4, 1929, in Piraeus, Greece. He was ordained to the diaconate in 1960, as priest and archimandrite in 1964 and then to the episcopacy in 1972. In 1972, he also began his work as General Director of Apostolike Diakonia (1972-92), as Professor of History of Religions (1972-92), and later as Dean of the Theological Faculty at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (1983-86). Over the years, he was awarded honorary doctorates from 20 universities. He authored 24 books and over 200 essays on theology, missions, and religious studies. These works have been translated into 17 languages and have bolstered a mission mindset around the globe.
In addition to his work within the Orthodox Church, Archbishop Anastasios held leadership positions in international ecumenical organizations including serving as Moderator of the World Mission and Evangelism Committee of the World Council of Churches (1984-91), Vice President of Conference of European Churches (2003-09), President of World Council of Churches (2006-13), and Honorary President of World Conference of Religions for Peace (2006-2025).
His contributions to Christian mission and witness, theology, inter-religious and ecumenical dialogue, and to the peaceful coexistence of peoples and religious communities have been recognized internationally.
The Archbishop’s missionary ministry began in East Africa in 1981, where he served as the Acting Archbishop of Irinoupolis in East Africa until 1990. During this time, he laid a foundation that built upon the work of the Church’s early founders, completing a seminary, training and ordaining clergy, building churches, schools and clinics that have led to the vibrant and thriving Church that exists today in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania.
In Albania (1992-2025), the Archbishop restored and renewed the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania, which was raised from its ruins following the fall of the atheistic regime. Again, he began with opening a seminary, training and ordaining over 160 clergy, and continuing this effort through the ordination of Hierarchs that now form a synod of the fully functioning Autocephalous Church. His work was multifaceted and extended into the realms of education, healthcare, culture, the environment, and humanitarian and social welfare projects. To create places for spiritual worship, he also built, restored, and repaired more than 370 churches, all the while offering unceasing sacrificial service for over thirty-three years.
“Looking over his life we can see the astounding ministry of Archbishop Anastasios within East Africa, Albania, as a scholar and mission thinker in so many ways. His words and wisdom play back in our ears, His exhortations exemplified in quotations such as this: ‘Church without mission is a contradiction in terms. . . if the Church is indifferent to the apostolic work with which she has been entrusted, she denies herself, contradicts herself and her essence, and is a traitor in the warfare in which she is engaged. A static Church which lacks a vision and a constant endeavor to proclaim the Gospel to the oikoumene could hardly be recognized as the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church to whom the Lord entrusted the continuation of His work’” reflected Fr. Ritsi.
“In fact,” Fr. Ritsi continued “it was his vision that inspired the foundation of a missions movement within the Orthodox Church in the United States that the Mission Center evolved from. It has been an honor for the Mission Center to serve and partner with Archbishop Anastasios throughout the decades. His vision and example have left an indelible mark that will be carried on in the generations to come.”
The Divine Liturgy, funeral, and internment services for His Beatitude will occur on Thursday, January 30th at 11am in the Resurrection of Christ Cathedral in Tirana. The services will be presided over by the Locum Tenens of the Archiepiscopal Throne, His Eminence Joani, Metropolitan of Korca, and the members of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania.
Please join us in prayer with the faithful of the Church in Albania, and many around the world, as we pray for his repose and commemorate the life of Archbishop Anastasios. May His Memory be Eternal!
We invite you to learn more about His Beatitude's enduring legacy at the links below:
• Fr. Martin Ritsi Leads Delegation At Archbishop Anastasios’ Funeral in Albania
• Recording of His Beatitude's Funeral Services
• Fr. Luke Veronis Tribute on Hellenic College Holy Cross
• Obituary by Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis on the Orthodox Observer